
Chimney CapsBlocking Holes
Animal RemovalOdors and Smells
Bird Control

Don’t like MICE in your house?    We will find and BLOCK MOUSE HOLES PERMANENTLY.   Mice need a hole the size of an acorn to enter your home or business.    Most homes can be successfully mouse-proofed with long-lasting results!

Solving any problem begins with a thorough diagnosis.    For animals in the home, we look in attics and basements for animal activity past and present.  On the exterior we look for all the holes and weak areas that allowed animals entry to the inside.  After the diagnosis we will provide a written quote to block the holes and get the animals out.

Not all animals enter homes.  Woodchucks, skunks, beaver, moles, voles and others can wreak havoc in the yard.  We assess the attraction of the animals to your property and develop plans to minimize the attractiveness and encourage animals to move elsewhere.

Holes we block are guaranteed for 2 years; unless conditions prevent durable results. If the animal compromises our work, we’ll repair and remove animals at no charge.