Animal Removal

moving the animals

Animals may be on your property to sleep, eat or have babies. Removal can be simple or complicated depending on the situation, time of season and how many different species present.

One-way door systems work with a variety of animals. These are installed temporarily after exterior holes and crevices have been blocked. Animals usually have alternative nesting locations in the neighborhood. With one-way systems, your house should be quiet in just a few days.

Trapping animals is the last resort. Live or lethal trapping is never good for the animals. Dropping animals off in strange territory causes strife to the released and the residents, as they defend territory and food against the new comer, fighting and driving it off.

Mouse or mice trapping is done with a quantity of professional snap traps placed in the right locations. We do not use chemicals or poisons to control the mice population. Trapping and blocking holes is how we solve the problem. At least one follow-up trip is made to remove mice and reset traps.